Sunday is Gratitude Day for the Healthy Crowdfunder

Every Sunday I go through my list of people to be grateful about. Here’s why I am grateful to them.

1. Ruth Hedges, CEO of Funding Roadmap for hosting an educational, friendly, fun-filled conference in Vegas and for inviting leading edge players in crowdfunding. I finally got to meet face to face with two of our Healthy Crowdfunder’s advisors – Sara Hanks, CEO of CrowdCheck and Dara Albright, CEO of Now Street Media . It was a good excuse to meet again with Maurice Lopes, CEO of Early Shares . Because of Ruth, I also finally met the famous Candace Klein of SoMolend . Because of Ruth, our Healthy Crowdfunder has more deal flow prospects that it can handle at the moment. I met accelerators and entrepreneurs from Texas, Arizona, New York, and California. I was so impressed with Ruth and her guests, I proposed we do another booth camp conference either in Seattle or Vancouver this March 2013.

2. Sherwood (Woodie) Neiss, Founder of Crowdfund Capital Advisors, for sharing his words of inspirations as we recruit more volunteer lobbyists in British Columbia. I wish more British Columbian Canadian entrepreneurs would step forward. We are working for you to gain easier access to capital. You get what you give – Law of Karma – not right away but in time. Nature has a way of reciprocating. Check out our video

3. Narges Nirumvala, CEO of Executive Speech, Coach International – for being such a high energy cheerleader and inspiration for entrepreneurs, who kept her word to comment on our blog. I like people who speak and act accordingly. That makes me one of her raving fans.

4. Cindy Gordon, Chairperson of Invest Crowdfund Canada, for being a patient coach, for her well intentioned maternal instincts, and for her efforts to make things work out for us lobbyist volunteers in British Columbia.

5. Joy Case Van Hove, CEO of FunditTV and Anideanation – one of my very best friends, for the videos we have produced together. Those videos are working for us even while we sleep. A lot of our American and Canadian new friends have approached me because of them. I am forever indebted to Joy and will someday reciprocate in one way or another.

6. Yuliya Inopina, an investor relations professional in mining – for being a Healthy Crowdfunder fan. She is starting to “healthimize” her lifestyle.

7. Heidi Richter, Founder of Enlightened Decadence, a very old friend (well she’s not that old) for the fun experience. I could hardly wait to crowdfund her New York style bakery products. Surprise, surprise, I am not supposed to spill her ideas yet. Our objective is to inspire everyone to follow their bliss, to live in the NOW and to do whatever your heart pleases you. "Follow Your Bliss Now"

8. Last but not least, I am grateful to all the client prospects I have met this week and the others we are doing due diligence on. Please bear with us as we launch our Healthy Crowdfunder soon. Check out our landing page for free checklists before crowdfunding or before investing or buying. For other developments, Like Us at


Filed under Health Tips in mind body and spirit, Healthy Mind and Spirit

3 responses to “Sunday is Gratitude Day for the Healthy Crowdfunder

  1. Thanks for this Tony. We are all grateful for you too. Showing gratitude on Sunday – what a great idea!


  2. You are so welcome Narges. I get some of the best ideas from friends like you. Thanks for all this healthy energy blessings, we are able to spread the good word. Let’s keep moving 🙂


  3. Pingback: Yesterday’s Crowdfunding Seminar By CJ Cornell of Propel Arizona | The Crowd Funding Times

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